Articles about the category Education

e-Learning-News » Education

Big data and personalization in eLearning: how to offer a tailored educational experience

24 July 2024
Utilizing Big Data in eLearning can elevate personalization to new levels of detail and effectiveness, benefiting students significantly.

The role of the online teacher: why they still play a fundamental role

24 July 2024
New technologies have changed the role of teachers, who in eLearning have assumed new functions, remaining a fundamental figure for education.

The effectiveness of inquiry-based learning in eLearning courses

10 July 2024
Exploring what inquiry-based learning is, the advantages it offers for online training, and strategies for applying it in the eLearning environment.

How companies invest in training: trends and predictions for 2024

3 July 2024
A look at current trends in corporate investments in employee training and some future predictions.

The impact of AI on the learning management systems market

17 April 2024
Let's find out how the application of Artificial Intelligence in the field of corporate training is revolutionizing the sector globally.

Soft skills in eLearning: teaching and assessing soft skills online

3 April 2024
Soft skills are confirmed as essential in a context of rapid innovation. eLearning offers its advantages for their optimal learning.

"On the go" training: what it is and how to apply it

27 March 2024
Find out how to apply mobile training strategies to corporate training, which uses the mobile phone to fit into the daily micro-moments of people's lives.

E-learning platforms: the requirements for security training

20 March 2024
What characteristics must the e-learning platform from which online courses on workplace safety are delivered have? Find out in this article.

Open Badges 3.0: blockchain and certification of eLearning skills

6 March 2024
Let's find out how Blockchain can offer a secure, transparent and immutable system for recording and validating acquired skills.

Employee-focused corporate training: what is it?

14 February 2024
What is training based on anthropocentric design, or Human-centered Design, and how does it respond to the training needs of workers?

The costs of failing cybersecurity for companies

7 February 2024
Let's find out what the impacts and costs of a lack of corporate cyber security are and how to mitigate cyber risks in companies.

How to conduct a bottom-up training needs analysis?

31 January 2024
Training needs analysis is a key practice for companies aiming to align training with strategic objectives. Let's find out how to put it into practice.

Storytelling and eLearning: creating stories to facilitate learning

24 January 2024
Find out how using storytelling can help you improve online teaching and how to use different narrative structures depending on your training objectives.

Collaborative learning: what it is and what advantages it offers companies

17 January 2024
The new generations have very different training needs from previous ones and collaborative learning seems to satisfy them better than other approaches. Let's find out why.

HyFlex Learning, what is it and what are the advantages?

17 January 2024
Discover how to combine the hybrid and flexible characteristics of training, providing an advantageous and useful learning model for every type of student.

Storytelling in eLearning: engaging to educate

6 December 2023
Storytelling is a powerful tool that enhances understanding and memorization of information, boosting the effectiveness of courses.

Promoting diversity and inclusion for competitiveness

6 December 2023
Diversity and inclusion are central themes for the new generations, and companies can benefit from them in terms of competitiveness. Let's explore how.

The importance of digital skills in employee evaluation

29 November 2023
In a digitized world, assessing and encouraging digital skills is one of the secrets to enhancing the competitiveness of both individuals and companies.

Scenario-Based eLearning: what it is and why it's useful for businesses

29 November 2023
In this article, we explore what "Scenario-Based eLearning" is and why it's beneficial for corporate training.

The social impact of eLearning: inclusive training for all

15 November 2023
In this article we explore how eLearning is making education more inclusive and accessible for all.

How to prevent overlearning in occupational safety training

15 November 2023
eLearning strategies to prevent overlearning in workplace safety training, with a focus on personalization, microlearning and feedback.

How to use microlearning to improve learning

8 November 2023
The reduction of students' attention span strongly affects instructional design. The solution to make training effective? Microlearning.

Gamification in eLearning: myths to debunk

8 November 2023
Gamification is a learning strategy that enables learning through the mechanism of play. Here is everything you need to know about its application.

The limits of informal learning in companies

1 November 2023
Informal learning is a way of training that is becoming increasingly popular in companies. Let's find out the limitations and problems with this strategy.

Using collaborative learning for employee evaluation

1 November 2023
Evaluating employees is the key to understanding their potential and fostering their professional growth. How can this be improved through collaborative learning?

Safety leadership: what it is and how to promote it in companies

25 October 2023
How to stimulate people to acquire a way of working that puts safety at the centre of their choices? The answer lies in safety leadership

How to use peer review for employee evaluation

18 October 2023
Correct personnel evaluation guarantees meritocracy, development and equal opportunities within companies. How can we improve these processes with peer review?

Action Learning, what it is and how it can be used in e-learning

11 October 2023
Action-based learning allows you to learn by tackling real problems and unexpected events that you encounter in the workplace. Here are the advantages of action learning

Use eLearning to hire new staff

11 October 2023
eLearning has revolutionized the hiring process, providing a versatile, cost-effective and scalable means of developing a skilled workforce. In this article we see how

Teaching in eLearning courses: managing activities and exercises

11 October 2023
Activities and exercises thanks to eLearning can offer students the way to evaluate their preparation and teachers the quality of the courses designed

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