Articles by the author Sonia Melilli

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The use of generative artificial intelligence in eLearning

may 2024
Let's discover the best practices and key strategies for successfully implementing generative artificial intelligence in online training.

E-learning platforms: the requirements for security training

march 2024
What characteristics must the e-learning platform from which online courses on workplace safety are delivered have? Find out in this article.

Corporate training management: the DynDevice LMS case

February 2024
Managing training within large companies can be a complex challenge. Find out how to best deal with it.

The costs of failing cybersecurity for companies

february 2024
Let's find out what the impacts and costs of a lack of corporate cyber security are and how to mitigate cyber risks in companies.

Technology for Training: The Growth of the Italian Market

novembre 2023
The revenue of Italian EdTech companies has surpassed 2.8 billion euros. Let's explore trends and challenges in digital education in Italy and around the world.

Safety leadership: what it is and how to promote it in companies

october 2023
How to stimulate people to acquire a way of working that puts safety at the centre of their choices? The answer lies in safety leadership

The importance of a safety culture in the company

october 2023
What is meant by safety culture and what are the steps to make it an integral part of the company organizational culture?

How much does it cost companies not to train employees?

september 2023
Corporate training is often considered a cost rather than an investment, but it's important to understand that failure to train costs much more. Find out why

In Italian SMEs, elderly and poorly trained workers

July 2023
The majority of Italian SMEs do little training, not very targeted and only if it is compulsory. This is what emerges from the latest INAPP survey

How to reduce corporate training costs

July 2023
Do you want trained employees without spending mind-boggling amounts of money? Here are some simple strategies to reduce training costs without sacrificing quality

Learning paths: what they are and how they improve learning

june 2023
Learning paths are changing the way training is done. Let's find out how this learning format improves the effectiveness of training programs

Employee-generated learning: what it is and how to derive value from it

May 2023
Employee-generated learning reduces the time and costs involved in developing training content for companies. Discover the benefits of this approach.

The impact of the eLearning industry on our lives

May 2023
eLearning has transformed the way we learn and train. Let's find out how this has influenced companies, learners and teachers

Why should your LMS be LTI compliant?

april 2023
The LTI standard provides a simple and secure path for integrating third-party resources, apps and tools into your company's LMS. Let's find out how.

9 reasons to use technology in corporate training

5th 2023
Interactivity, lower environmental impact, greater involvement: let's find out what are the advantages of using technology in the context of corporate training.

What's new in DynDevice 6.0, eLearning platform for companies

february 2023
Video editor, improvements to the management of eLearning pills, new CME training management: find out what's new in the latest update of the DynDevice LMS eLearning platform.

The differences between gamification and game-based training

november 2022
Applying game elements to corporate training increases user engagement. But when to use gamification and when to use game-based learning?

8 reasons why adopting an LMS in the enterprise fails

november 2022
How can you prevent the implementation of an eLearning platform in your company from turning into a failure? Discover the most common pitfalls to avoid

The use of role-playing games in corporate training

october 2022
Why is role-play training beneficial for companies and what are the best practices to make it even more effective?

eLearning: how to improve knowledge retention

october 2022
8 ways to help learners memorize information learned in an online course and retain it over time.

Learning Pyramid: what it is and how it works

october 2022
Which learning modes are most effective in terms of knowledge retention? 

Learning Agility: what it is and why companies need it

september 2022
Learning Agility is increasingly being talked about in companies. But what exactly is it and how does it contribute to a company's competitiveness?

Rapid eLearning: what it is, how it works and when to use it

september 2022
Business dynamics require increasingly rapid course production times. How can Rapid eLearning address this need?

The benefits of an eLearning platform for teachers

september 2022
How can an eLearning platform optimize the activities of a corporate trainer? 

Immersive learning: what it is and how it works

september 2022
Features, benefits and how immersive learning works.

How to prepare your company for using a new LMS

july 2022
10 steps to implement an eLearning platform within your company and make it quickly operational and profitable.

Digitalisation: Italy's delays and the European situation

july 2022
Before 2020, 37% of European companies had not yet adopted any advanced digital technology. What is the situation after the pandemic?

Geofencing for corporate training

july 2022
Let's find out how geofencing can revolutionise employee training and improve safety in the workplace.

Project Based Learning (PBL): what it is and how it works

june 2022
Project-based learning can significantly improve the effectiveness of a training course and amplify its effects in the extra-curricular context. Let's find out how.

10 effective ways to promote an online course

june 2022
A list of the main marketing tools that will help you market your online course and increase sales.

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Articles from 1 to 30 of 133