Articles by the author Fabrizio Pagni

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Safety at work: how to alternate training and work in a seamless way

July 2023
Balancing safety training and work activities can be an organizational challenge for companies. How can asynchronous training help?

Multilingual companies: the challenges of occupational safety training

July 2023
To be effective, occupational safety training must overcome language and cultural barriers. Here are the benefits of eLearning

How to adapt occupational safety training to workers' age with eLearning

june 2023
Training employees for workplace safety is a priority. Age difference can be a hurdle that can be overcome with eLearning and a careful course design

Occupational safety training for smart working workers

June 2023
When it comes to workplace safety, smart working requires adapting and rethinking risk detection and implementing appropriate training programs

How to assess employees' collaborative activities

June 2023
Proposing activities to employees that require collaboration is one way to assess interpersonal skills. eLearning makes it possible to optimize interaction

How to use scenario-based learning to assess employees

June 2023
Scenario-based learning makes it possible to test employees' skills in realistic situations. Let's find out how to exploit it in the evaluation phases

Social learning as a tool for occupational safety training

May 2023
eLearning is a golden standard for occupational safety training. Implementing social learning in the learning process can multiply the benefits of this modality

Enhancing occupational safety training through simulations

May 2023
Effective occupational safety training pushes the user to take an active approach to problems. The use of simulations in training can be a very useful tool

The benefits of project-based learning for employee evaluation

May 2023
Employee evaluation is a complex practice. Assessing learning on projects may be the most suitable method for this purpose.

How to use digital badges for employee evaluation

april 2023
Open Badges are digital certifications to attest to employees' skills and knowledge. Their use can be beneficial for skill enhancement.

How to design an effective course structure

april 2023
Designing didactics in courses is a critical step in eLearning training. Learning theories can help evaluate the final design.

How to develop an eLearning course for the healthcare industry

April 2023
Designing eLearning courses in the medical field is a task as delicate as it is important. Let's discover techniques and guidelines for producing a course suitable for the target audience.

Using data to improve occupational safety training

march 2023
How can eLearning and data analysis be used to analyse the effects of training on the frequency and severity of occupational accidents?

eLearning and Covid-19: Conclusions on CME

february 2023
Benefits and challenges of eLearning in medicine during the Covid-19 pandemic.

e-Learning in medicine: what medical practices say

february 2023
Online training is increasingly used in all fields. But what are the impacts of eLearning courses in medical education?

eLearning and CME: the benefits for less developed countries

february 2023
A look at use cases of eLearning for continuing medical education in developing countries

CME Training and Microlearning

February 2023
Let's find out how microlearning can be applied to continuing medical education (CME).

CME Training in the EU

january 2023
What are the standards, on a European level, for continuing medical education?

Modern Learners: who they are and how they are formed

december 2022
The peculiarities of modern learners force us to rethink how courses are delivered and designed. How to design courses that are Modern Learner-proof?

eLearning and ESG: the whys of a symbiosis

november 2022
How does eLearning help companies achieve their environmental, social and governance sustainability goals?

eLearning and KPIs: metrics for measuring the effectiveness of a course

november 2022
Measuring performance is the way to manage it. Corporate training is no exception. Defining the correct KPIs for training is the first step in managing them.  

Training and managerial skills: help from the Funds

november 2022
Delivering corporate training at all organizational levels is the way to close the Generation Divide, the gap in opinions, preferences and skills between generations.

Digital Certifications and Open Badges

october 2022
The spread of technology has encouraged the introduction of digital certifications in education, the most popular format of which is the Open Badge. Let's find out more.

eLearning and Automation: how to optimize time

october 2022
How to optimize the development and learning time of an eLearning course?

eLearning and team: because unity is strength

september 2022
Interdisciplinary teams enable effective projects to be carried out efficiently in a complex environment.  Let's find out how to apply this to training.

Mnemonic techniques for eLearning

september 2022
Along with comprehension, memory is the main element in training. Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that can support it.

Measuring Breaks: Spaced Repetition

july 2022
Let's find out what Spaced Repetition is and how it can help improve the effectiveness of an eLearning course by reinforcing the memorisation of learned information.

Openness to change in the company: the role of eLearning

july 2022
For a company, spreading the culture of training and maintaining flexible procedures are essential elements to compete.

The importance of Self-Directed Learning in the enterprise

june 2022
Trained and motivated employees are the main asset of a dynamic company. The two do not always walk in parallel.

Boomers vs Millennials: Closing the Generation Divide

june 2022
How can an effective training policy be designed to ensure fair intergenerational access to training, which follows the organisational and skills acquisition needs within a company?

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Articles from 31 to 60 of 69